Humanity can be compared to a cult. Obviously, I know humanity is not a literal cult (the textbook definition for a cult that best fits this scenario is: a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister), but humanity can be described this way, or at least from my perspective: all people on this planet who are taught to live one way and are forever held back by the shackles of society, most members of which are unjust. So humanity is not a literal cult, but some of the cult ideas can line up with all humanity in some ways. And no, I'm not going crazy, nor am I saying you have to agree with what I'm saying, but it's just a thought that I had one time, and this blog is also dedicated to my random thoughts. So I might not fully know what I'm saying here, but I'm trying to form this possible idea, so stay with me here.
Think to yourself right now - are you in the first category? Those who are perfectly happy being the "dominant" species? We aren't in control at all of the oceans, or much water, and about 71% of our world is water. Why is this planet called Earth when it's a lot more water than earth? We should start calling our planet Water. So, greetings, aliens, from Water! We aren't that in control of the microbe or mite world as much as we think we are, and there are a lot of things on Earth - sorry, I mean Water - that we have no power over. And it's proven that humans are not apex predators. We're not as high up in the food chain as we think we are. There are really only two things giving us the power we have, those two things being our technology and our ability to reason, to think. Without our technology, we'd be extremely vulnerable to the rest of the world, because no matter how smart we are, strength is necessary too. Think of it this way: if you have one animal that's incredibly intelligent but very weak, another that is very strong and capable but very dull, and one that's both intelligent and strong on its own and you pit all three against each other, the third is very likely to win. But humans are more in the first category - the smart but weak. So that's the first category. Do you enjoy life as Homo Sapiens? Do you think we rule over all other animal species?
Or are you more like me - those who acknowledge that humans aren't as powerful as we make us out to be, those who sometimes wish they could play a real part in the natural world, those who want the cruelty towards the only planet we were given to end? I hope most, if not all of you agree with me about being in the second category.
Now think about those who really want to play a role in nature - it's very hard to. Since the day you're born, you're taught to live a certain way. You go to daycare, preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school, college, and then you have to take a job and either start one or go back to school so you can have money. In our world, no money = a really tough life. There's no other animal on Water that we know uses any type of currency by natural means. So those who are born in nature, like other animal species, all the individuals get a fair chance at life unless harmed by humans, since humans disrupt the natural way. But when you're born as a human you don't get a fair chance at life like everyone else. You have less or more money than other people, we don't all have the same push when we're born on the path to success. You never get to live your life for yourself, only for others and more important and wealthy people. Like I heard in a YouTube video once, you're born a slave to those richer than you. Unfortunately, it's true a lot of the time. Plus, our social lives are so complicated that they can cause great heartbreak but also great joy. So humans live in an endless loop of what everyone says is the greater good, but is there really a greater good?
There is so much unfairness about human life, city life in particular, that some people get 100% fed up with it. At this rate, at a young age, I'd say I'm 85% fed up with this life, or maybe 75%. Take Tom Leppard, a tattoo artist who got tired of the normal way and went to live like a hermit. Sometimes I want to do something like this, and at other times I'm grateful for the life and roots I have here.
But take a look at these two images, and yes, I know they are a bit biased but just roll with it for now. Which out of these two images is more appealing to you?
Image from Flickr |
Image from Public Domain Pictures |
Now, do you see what I mean? Humanity holds you back, whether you like it or not. Choose to roll with it or write your own story.
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